Download a Schedule

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Forest Trails Hiking Club publishes a detailed hike schedule which is distributed seasonally to all members via email. The schedule includes a description of each hike with location and meeting coordinates, start time, approximate mileage, terrain, driving directions, and hike leader contact info. Information on how you can join Forest Trails is contained on the last page of the schedule.

IMPORTANT: Submitting this request also means that you have read, understand and agree to the following:

The Forest Trails Hiking Club is an informal social club of individual adults who desire to hike together as a group. Members and friends hike at their own risk and are solely responsible for their own safety and well-being on hikes. The club is not providing a "service" and makes no claim as to the suitability or safety of any hike location or trip.

Why become a member?

Because it’s a no-brainer. At $10/year, the dues net out to something like 18 cents per hike. And, in addition to receiving the schedule automatically at the email you provide, all members are subscribed to the FTHC group on to receive timely information. With hikes planned and schedules prepared weeks or months in advance, real-time communications are often essential to notify members of last minute changes. These messages might include schedule corrections, leader substitutions, trail conditions, gear advice, warnings about road detours, or other important updates. Valuable club news may also be communicated through a members-only group channel. Needless to say, all that is worth “the price of admission.”

“After a day’s walk, everything has twice its usual value.”